Contributions to the 401(k) Plan are held in individual accounts maintained in your name. Each contribution type (i.e., Pre-Tax Elective Contributions, Designated Roth Contributions, After-Tax Contributions and Rollover Contributions) will consist of a separate account reflecting contributions and investment returns.
You may invest your accounts in any of the investment options among any combination of options in whole percentages that total 100%.
Before you make your investment decision, you should request and carefully review fund information, including prospectuses. This information is available by contacting Fidelity at (866) 848-6466 or by visiting Fidelity's website.
Fidelity will send you a quarterly statement of your 401(k) account which shows your contributions, investment gains or losses, account activity (including fee information) and market value of the mutual funds at the end of the quarter. You can also check your account balance at any time or request an electronic statement by contacting Fidelity at (866) 848-6466 or by visiting Fidelity's website.
Your 401(k) Plan Enrollment/Election Form is only used to make your first investment option election. Any changes in how your future contributions are invested, or in how you want to invest money already in your account, may only be made by calling Fidelity at (866) 848-6466. The Plan Office cannot make changes in your investment options for you. You may change your investment options at any time (subject to short term trading rules and other trading restrictions).
Information about your 401(k) Plan account balance and investment options is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling Fidelity's automated Participant Services Center at (866) 848-6466. You can change investment options any business day between 8:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (Eastern time) electronically by using the speech recognition system or the touch tone system. You will be advised to enter your Social Security number and your personal identification number ("PIN"). If you have not established a PIN, you will be instructed, step by step, on how to establish one.
You can call the Fidelity Participant Services Center to do any of the following:
If you are outside the US and you need to call Fidelity, a list of phone numbers from any country can be found through the Fidelity website at
If you prefer, you can speak to a Service Representative any business day from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Eastern time), for assistance with any service by calling the toll-free number (866) 848-6466.